14.02.2025 Event

ARTE Generali to sponsor PANORAMA in Procida

by ARTE Generali

ARTE Generali is pleased to announce its technical sponsorship with PANORAMA | Procida, an island-wide exhibition on Procida (off the coast of Naples), to celebrate one of the first in-person events this year, bringing together galleries, art professionals, and enthusiasts to explore art, nature, design set in a fascinating landscape. The exhibition itinerary spans five centuries of art history, from antiquity to the contemporary, with a special focus on Italian works and more specifically on the Neapolitan area, bringing together over fifty
works by many celebrated artists.

Curated by Vincenzo de Bellis Curator and Associate Director of Programs, Visual Arts at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, the exhibition itinerary takes you through to various exhibition sites spread across the island, including churches and historic buildings.
The event is brought to you by ITALICS, the first consortium in Italy to unite more than sixty of the country’s most influential galleries.