When it comes to caring for your fine art collection, you can rely on ARTE Generali: our services go far beyond merly assisting with your insurance coverage. As a client of ARTE Generali, you benefit from our concierge service: a wide network of outstanding specialists who provide expert advice regarding the storage, conservation, security, and transport of your art, as well as what to do if damages occur. We arrange contact with first-class restorers, auction houses, art dealers, galleries, transport and storage professionals, appraisers, and other services immediately.

Your artwork is damaged? Our experts know how to restore objects to their original condition as best as possible. Need to move your collection to another location? Our experts know how professionally ship your artwork and ensure they safely arrive at their new destinations. Need to store your art for a certain period? Our experts know how to keep your artwork safe and secure at all times. No matter what you require, our network of experts offers precise solutions for your particular needs.

Should the unthinkable happen, and your art is stolen, lost, or damaged: our claims experts will take care of it immediately. Get in touch with us at the email address below.

All advantages at a glance


Unique concierge service with a dedicated contact person with access to a network of experts for all areas such as restoration, transport, storage, always available either via mail, phone or via the ARTE Generali App

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Evaluation service available for all your artworks, provided by carefully selected art appraisers


Claims experts provide immediate assistance in the case of damage, loss or theft, always available either via mail or phone

If you would like to know more about our solutions, please contact us.

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